RAW Foundation teamed up with WaterAid & Glastonbury Festival to produce a reusable, 100% stainless steel water bottle – an early version of the RAW Bottle – and reduce the amount of single-use plastic used and brought onto the festival site.
Over 2015 and 2016, over 15,000 stainless steel bottles have been bought and used on site at Glastonbury Festival!
If everyone who bought a 750ml bottle used it twice a day instead of buying plastic bottles then we would have avoided 120,000 single use plastic bottles from being thrown into landfill and polluting our environment.
Single use bottles cause an enormous amount of needless waste, especially as the Festival provides free tap water across the site – you can fill your bottle for free at any of their 400 (drinking) water taps.
Simply put – every piece of plastic ever made still exists somewhere and with an estimated 150 million tonnes of plastic currently littering our earth and oceans – it’s time to clear up our festivals and clean up our environment.